Age: 27
Height: 6’1
Weight: 225 lbs.
From: Baltimore, Maryland
Styles: Dawson’s Chung Do Kwan TaeKwon-Do &
V.S.K Jiu Jitsu
Instructors: GrandMaster , Gerald “Awesome” Dawson
Grandmaster Abdul Azziz Muhammad
Soke Lil John Davis
Rank: 9th Degree Black Belt
Head of Dawson’s CDK Organization
Place of Practice: Maryland’s Best Karate
Favorite Technique: Back Fist
Biggest Martial Arts Influence: Soke, Anthony “Mafia” Holloway
Sport Karate Career Accomplishments:
Baltimore’s Karate Hall of Fame Inductee
Youngest person to ever win a NASKA men’s division at the age of 17.
Youngest person to ever be added to Team Paul Mitchell’s fighting team.
Youngest person to ever win a NBL national overall in men’s’ sparring
Inducted into the “Karate Kids Choice Awards” Hall of Fame
Inducted in the “Baltimore’s Martial Arts Community” Hall of Fame
Overall Team Grand Championship Hungarian Fighting Cup (Team Kiraly/JPM)
Heavy Weight 1stPlace at Pan American Internationals
2023 Heavy Weight Diamond Ring Winner
3x Heavy Weight 1stPlace at the Diamond Nations
3x Heavy Weight 1stPlace AKA Grand Nationals
2x Heavy Weight 1stPlace Grand Slam Nationals
Men’s Overall Open Weight Grand Champion Grand Slam Nationals
2 x Heavy Weight 1stPlace Kumite Classics
2xHeavy Weight Overall Dixie Land Nationals
2x Heavy Weight 1stPlace at the ISKA U.S Open
Heavy Weight Overall Champion at the Las Vegas Open
Heavy Weight 1stPlace at New England Open
Heavy Weight Overall 1stplace Cancun Challenge
Overall Winner of the Kumite Classics
3x Maryland Victory Cup Champion
(3x) Philly Pro Am Overall Heavy Weight Grand Champion
2x King of New York Overall Heavy Weight Grand Championship
Central Bay State Karate Championships Overall Mens Overall Grand Champion
2x Connecticut Open Men’s Grand Champion
2x Tri- State Open Men’s Grand Champion
2x Battle of Atlanta Heavyweight Grand Champion
3x ISKA U.S Open Heavyweight Grand Champion
Ocean State Super Fight Grand Champion
Charity Seminar in Guatemala for underprivileged Children
Pan Ams 2x Heavy Weight Overall Grand Champion
Virtual Fight Tour Heavyweight Champion